How do I make a payment with 3S Money?

To make a payment from your 3S Money account, sign into your Client Portal and follow these steps:

Step 1

At the top of the page, click on ‘Transfer Money’. Select which account you’d like to send funds from from the dropdown menu.


Step 2

Once on the transfer money page, you’ll need to select the following information:


  • The currency you’d like to send;

  • The recipient you’d like to send it to;

  • The amount you’d like to send.


In the ‘purpose’ box, summarise why you’re making the payment. For example, maybe you're paying an invoice. (This box is for our internal records.)

You’ll also be able to provide a message to the recipient. 


Once done, click ‘Transfer money’. 


Step 3

You'll reach a confirmation page displaying your payment details. To process the payment, you will need to authorise it using your DUO Mobile app, 

Click confirm and open the DUO Mobile notification to open the app. To approve the payment, press the green tick icon shown on your screen.



Step 4


Done! Your payment has now been confirmed.

You can see your full payment history under the 'History' tab in your Client Portal.

Download the 3S Money app

Our new mobile app for iOS and Android makes managing your accounts even easier. Download the app and sign in to get started.

Last updated: 01/05/24

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